Seven years ago, Anthrax introduced us to "For All Kings," and now, as another seven years have passed, the anticipation for their upcoming album grows among enthusiasts. The band's collaboration with seasoned producer Jay Ruston, known for their work together since "Worship Music" in 2011, has fueled curiosity about what's in store.
In a recent interview on Trunk Nation, Scott Ian, Anthrax's accomplished guitarist, offered insights into the new album's development. "During a recent L.A. session, Charlie, Frankie, and I meticulously crafted nine tracks," he shared. "I finalized the guitar arrangements just before our trip to New York in June. Presently, Frankie is immersed in recording bass for these compositions." Ian further revealed, "Scheduled for this Friday, I'm excited to return to the studio. Having had ample time, approximately a month, to immerse myself in the guitar tracks, I've identified several enriching elements to incorporate. This Friday, I'll dedicate a day to refining these nuances."
"Donais has already embarked on creating captivating solos from his home studio back East, while I'm deeply engrossed in penning lyrics," Ian added, painting a vivid picture of the collaborative process. "In essence, we're well underway; progress is undeniable."
Ian also shared a glimpse into the future timeline. "Expect another recording phase, likely in October or perhaps November. We're fortunate that Charlie has set aside these specific time windows, allowing us to capture an additional four or five tracks. Our aspiration is to have a significant portion completed by Christmas or New Year's. While it might not be fully mixed, recording will be substantially accomplished."
Speaking about fellow band member Joey, Ian reflected, "Joey's efficiency is commendable. Once he absorbs a concept and filters it through his creativity, his rapid work pace shines. For me, the lyrical aspect bears more weight. I had written three or four songs a few months ago, only to discard them a month ago, deeming them unsatisfactory. However, I've found my stride now."
Ultimately, Ian expressed his hopes: "From my perspective, my desire is for the entire band to find fulfillment in the final product. With luck, we can embrace the dawn of 2024 with a new Anthrax album—a gift the world earnestly awaits."